Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walking App

The night before Thanksgiving I decided that I finally needed to start walking every day..What better time then when Jack was home with me..I have not walked this new neighborhood before. So I had no idea where I was going.
The night before I set out all my clothes..If I was gonna do this I was gonna do it right when I woke up. NO EXCUSES!!! So I set out my clothes and my shoes etc and went to bed at a decent time..
I still had so much to do for Thanksgiving after my walk.

So come morning. I got up at about 8:30..I got dressed..Then proceeded to try and get Jack up..Finally 30 minutes later he got up..But was slow moving..This was irritating to say the least. Since he was taking forever getting dressed and drinking his coffee I went ahead and started on the rest of the food I was taking for Thanksgiving. I washed the potatoes, mashed the yams etc etc..FINALLY Jack was ready..

I decided I wanted to use this cool little app I had found..
It has GPS and tracks where I walk,how far,time,speed,steps..You name it..It tracks it..It also reads calories. Then at the top of my phone it will say how many calories I have burned and it is ALWAYS there..Then the next time I go to walk or run it will add that one..If you are interested it is called CARDIO TRAINER and it's FREE!!!!

So we zigzagged through the neighborhood only to make it home in 19 minutes??? So we decided to go again. This time we went a bit farther. In total we walked 2.2 miles in 45minutes..Typically I would walk faster but Jacks back was bothering him and I was just glad to have him come along.
I got back home and finished making my potatoes and the night before I made cheesecake and cranberries..

We had a great time at my aunts..Lots of great food..Same foods that I grew up having every year.
Surprisingly I was hungry. One difference was that I did not have any of the pre -dinner munchies..So for dinner I had a bit of everything. But there was plenty left on my plate. I went wrong with the cheesecake and I knew I would..When we left there was about a little less then half left. I told my aunt to keep it and all the other food I brought. I would NOT be eating it. Then Jack says he wants a slice of the cheesecake.
So I brought him home a BIG slice of the cheesecake. Two days later when that was still in the fridge I told him he needed to eat that dang thing..he laughed and said it was telling me to eat it..He was right!!! I am so glad I left the rest at my aunts..

I woke up the day after Thanksgiving feeling like I had the crap beat out of me..I could not move!!! It was partly from the walk. I could feel it in my legs. Then partly because I did way to much the last few days. Over the years I have learned having MS that if I do a ton one day I will be out of commission the next day or even the next few days. In this case...It is Sunday and I am still in pain and not feeling well. So every night before I went to bed I laid out my clothes to walk the next morning. But I have not been able to since. I am hoping come tomorrow I will feel better and be able to pick it back up.

I have not stepped on the scale. Other then the cheesecake I think I have done OK this week.
I did notice that having a meal like that changed how my whole body was working. I found myself standing in front of the fridge looking for something to eat when I was not hungry. My body consumed all those carbs and it went back into "I am hungry" mode..But I recognized it right away!

My water intake has also been CRAP..So I have to get back on that as well..
WoW...One off meal like Thanksgiving and my body tries to tell me that it is back to eating the old way.
I was thinking to myself last night how easy it would be to pile all the pounds back on in a matter of a week if I really wanted to..If I had decided to bring home that cheesecake I probably would have.
Just goes to show I still have a lot of work to do and that cheesecake is like a drug to me and that is sad and partly pathetic!!! To think that I would let something like cream cheese and sugar rule my life and my happiness is just sad!

I am happy to read that most everyone did really good over the holiday...

Now I am ready to start decorating and getting ready for Christmas!

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