Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Here's to 30 more

I knew one day my blog would come in handy..
I was not sure what exactly that would be.

When I first started blogging I did this solely for myself! No one else..
If losing weight was not for me and for someone else I would have never stuck to it..
My husband was completely happy with my appearance. I am not really in any profession that I need to be slim
I can't even say that it was effecting my health in any serious way. But of course eating healthy and being healthy is always a bonus!
So this was for me..To look better. To like the way my clothes fit.  To be able to walk into any store and buy off the rack and not sift through the clothes hoping to find the largest size and then pray that it will fit. To have pictures taken and not want anyone to see them. To have more energy and on and on and on..

After I lost close to 40 pounds I went through some serious life changes and getting back on the healthy eating has been REALLY hard..So I recommend to anyone..If a week passes and you find that you are not doing what you were. Get back at it as soon as possible because the longer you let it go  it is that much harder to start again.

So that is the point I am at right now.
Getting started again to once and for all lose the next 30 or so pounds.
I did start last week but I was not as strict as I once was and lost 1 pound taking me down to 172.5

So for the last few days I have been doing what I did wayyyyy back in the beginning. I have started looking at youtube videos of transformations and started reading all my favorite blogs and magazines again.
This gets me motivated!!!

Then I decided to look at my own blog..This I have never had before. So it took me back to where I was a year ago and the things that I did back then. Including the things that I use to eat and make.
Even over the last few days I have been saying "wow I have not made this in a long time"
So now I have my own food diary to look back on what helped me lose those first 40 pounds!

I don't think that once I get back into it things should be so difficult. If I did it once I can do it again. RIGHT??

So for the next week I am going to be spending time rereading my blog and taking my own advice.


  1. It is harder to get back on track, but it is something you have done before and clearly you were winning the battle, just life threw you some killer curve balls. You will be back to your old ways in no time!! Eating clean and dropping pounds!! :)

  2. Glad to see you back! You can do this! :)

  3. It is hard to get back on track, but you will do it! I think it's going to be great for you to read some of your old posts to see what you wanted to accomplish. I think that will be the best motivation for you!


  4. Great post - I am right there with you. I let myself slide BIG TIME with the excuse that I was pregant. Now that baby girl is here it is SOOOO Hard to get back to the mind set I used to have. And with the holidays here ...uhhhh!


  5. Hope your doing well.. Havent seen any of your post for a bit.. :)


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