Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Burning the burn

Total calories for the day 11/16/10 were 1705...
I was doing OK.. I was right around 1400.Then I decided to have toast
The last few nights I have been having toast and when I make a habit of something it is hard to break.

For years. I would start eating something and get stuck on that one thing until I found my next thing,'At one point it was Jolly Ranchers. I started buying the HUGE 10 pound bag and it would be gone in about 3 weeks. Then I move onto something else. Probably sugar. It was always sugar. Just before I started eating healthy this summer it was red starburst,Sometimes it is a particular ice cream. Right now the ice cream is Dryers no sugar added Vanilla Bean. At 90 calories it is not so bad.But I also top it with Honey which adds the sugar but on my terms and it is all natural.No that is not an excuse.

Whenever I watch the biggest loser. They talk about meeting their "burn" I have never really been able to figure out how to find out what the burn is..Then I came across this site.
It helped me to understand all of that. Plus how to calculate you BMR.
It told me that my BMR was 1625 That would be my calories I should eat every day..HUH??
Then you add how many calories you burned/once you get that number. You subtract how many calories you ate for the day. That gives you how many calories you burned. Over and beyond your food intake. It has taken me so long to figure this out but I may change my BMR... Which is my calories needed a day.
So I am going to start following this very strict and get out and walk when I get up.
Sure wish I had a walking buddy..Oh well

One thing I will be working on the next few weeks is my snacking,.I have always preferred snacking over sitting down to a big meal.
Today my Snack Calories were 907....CRAZYYYYY
It consist of fruit,ice cream and toast..It really adds up fast.

I am so tired right now I am typing with one eye closed..

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