Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

So did you make YOUR new year resolutions??
Did I?? I don't really have any plans on making any!

The last few months I have been making some serious changes. I got started ahead of the game.
In the past year after year I would always say this will be the year that I will lose the weight!
Most people whether it be my family or close friends have no idea how bad my weight has bothered me over the years. So for me to have lost already now 19 pounds on my own with NO PILLS, PLANS OR GIMMICKS is astounding and I have to say I am really quite proud of myself! I have kept it to myself over the years that my weight bothered me as it did. So I was not telling anyone that I was losing the weight or even trying to lose until Thanksgiving. I knew the holidays were going to be hard and by telling at least a few people I knew that it would help keep me in check! Not that I would be sneaking big pieces of cheesecake anyways. I did not get here by sneaking food. This is hard work!!!

So resolutions???
I have goals that need to be made! But no..Not because I am not capable of sticking to anything but because I am in the process of already making those changes!

I love the holidays but I am soooooo very glad that they are OVER..I am glad that the food temptations are over.
Tonight we went to my aunts for a family night for new years eve. I decided to make Pretzel Smores. I had actually came across them on another blog.ajourneytothin Thought they looked easy enough and not so tempting that I would eat the whole batch! So at midnight last night I went and bought all the stuff.

Dinner was dinner...My Nanny (grandmother) makes it. It is a Mexican casserole made with chips,chicken,cheese,soup mix..lets just say it is not healthy..But IT IS REALLY GOOD!
There was also a few other snacky things. Chips and dip,cheese balls,chips and salsa and veggies..Ya know the usuals..I had a little bit of this and that.My aunt was nice enough to mention that there were a few healthy things. I had saved my calories and only had an orange in the morning. Then a family friend made a cheesecake ice cream pie!!! OMG! I did NOT have a slice right away! A long time ago I started by not having any right away and make sure that I REALLY want it. I did have a bite or two of Jacks. Then a few hours later I had half a slice and then wondered why I even ate that? But it was good! I did not get fat on one piece of pie and I won't gain my weight back with one piece of pie. But I also won't lose weight with one piece of pie!!! But what is done is done and moving on. I am just glad that I can finally get back to eating as I always do. I was not halfway through my dinner and my stomach started to KILL me!! My stomach is not use to rich food when all I eat is lean protein,grains and veggies for months!

My family decided to play poker!
Pictured from bottom left going clockwise Family friend Jody,Aunt Sherri,Nephew Cody,Nephews Fiance Easton,Sister Rachel,Brother Clayton,SIL April..Oh and my Nanny in the top left there!
NOT pictured..Me of course..Hahaha..Jack,Papa and my two nieces Jayden and Jordyn.My Dad was not there or my Mom
That's my family! Some anyway... One day I will post more pics!

Hope everyone had a safe happy new year! I look forward to reading everyones GOALS for the NEW YEAR!!!!!


  1. Looks like you had a great night!! The best part of New Years Day for me is to get back to routine. Then i find other stuff easy :)

  2. Looks like you had a great night and O...M...G... those smores look soooooo good! *drooling* Happy New Year, hon! I hope 2011 is a spectacular year for you! *Hugs*

  3. Happy new year! Best wishes in 2011!

  4. Wow Renea! I have to say I am really impressed. With your drive to lose weight and your blog! I have only read a few so far, but you have a talent for stuff like this! Good job! Glad we got to spend time with you and Jack over the holidays this year. I want to come out and see your house sometime real soon and spend the day with you. Let me know when your feeling up to it. Well, just wanted to comment on your blog! Love ya Sis!
    xoxoxoxoxo Your Big Sis!


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